Sea of Time.jpg

This website came into being after I spent many years awakening to events unfolding in our world.  I had spent the first half of my life living as most others do.  I was a product of belief systems that were instilled into me by my surroundings.  All sources of external information, that I was exposed to, was obtained from television and newspapers.  I never attacked or disagreed with anything that came from those media sources.  It was all taken as truth, without anything being questioned.

Something happened to me around 2011.  The world was experiencing new sources of information, and virtually all of it stemmed from the internet.  With the internet, a person was no longer limited to a few channels to research.  You were now only limited by your imagination as to how far you could go.  There were beautiful wonders around every corner.  Soon I found out that I was being introduced to things that just did not seem to add up.  Eventually, everything that I was taught to believe as truth, turned out to be false.  The majority of events transpiring on this planet, are an elaborate illusion for the masses, and most are oblivious to it.  Without question, we are seeing a spiritual battle of good vs. evil.  I also believe that we have all chosen to be here, at this moment.  Some are here to make a difference, and others are here simply to be observers.

While investigating the constructs that have been put in place by nefarious forces, I realized that many others were waking up to these same observances.  Collectively, we knew that we had to join forces and enlighten others.  That prospect would prove to be very difficult, as it appeared that so many people would not be receptive of new ideas - especially those that violated their existing belief systems.  They seemed to be in denial, and the reasons were numerous.  Humanity was under attack from the food they ate, the water they drank, and the air they breathed.  The mass media was no help because anyone that attempted to expose the truth was labeled a “conspiracy theorist”.  The debauchery that was being inflicted upon humanity was so unbelievable, it was easy to see why the general public would accept nothing as being truth.  Still, I always wondered if there was a way to awaken people, and it was always an elusive concept to me.

Sometimes it helped to reflect back to earlier times in my life. As a young child, I had shown great creativity and artistry.  I could draw and paint, as well as build and construct things.  My mind was very 3-dimensional, but none of those skills or gifts seemed to be of interest at that time.  In 2019, I began to revisit art and drawing, which was something that I felt could hold a clue in spreading information to so many others.  The main focus of my drawing was always in relation to simple messages and truth.  For me, that always seems to lead to the creator – the ultimate authority and intelligence.  That divine intelligence and knowing presented itself in mathematics, architecture, art, and music, which are themes for this webpage. While the artwork is based on timeless simplicity, the Blog page digs much deeper and deals with modern world events that require intensive scrutiny and investigation. 

Nothing Can Stop This refers to a series of forthcoming future events that are under the direction of a higher power.  I believe these to be corrective actions that are to put humanity back on a course, that we have strayed from.  There is a final judgement coming, as well.  Many will live in joy and many will cry.  Many will be dealt with in a most permanent fashion, for the atrocities they have subjected upon humanity.  How it all ends, only God knows for sure.  One thing is for certain, Nothing Can Stop This.

C o n t a c t

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed your visit to my website. Please feel free to contact me directly at mark.renko@nothingcanstopthis.com if you have any questions or comments!