The following list of artwork images represent a theme of TRUTH combined with SIMPLICITY. Each drawing is designed to inspire the viewer and promote critical thinking about elements of extreme importance in our world. All ideas depicted should generate conversations, designed to stimulate creative thought and the sharing of ideas, or unique individual vantage points.
This is the logo for the “Nothing Can Stop This” brand. In the drawing, the crown of thorns is representative of Jesus. The bird in flight is symbolic in so many ways — It may be viewed as “freedom” or as “spreading the word of Christ” to the world. There is no text or words associated to the image. Sometimes truth is best viewed in a very simplistic manner. The drawing is meant to be something that people of any age, can immediately grasp and understand the divinity of the message. God’s perfection has always stemmed from simplicity.
Wanda Richert will be supplying the content for this section as soon as possible.
This drawing takes Leonardo Da Vinci’s creation “Vitruvian Man” and uses it as a basis for the concept of God’s scales of justice. Vitruvian Man was created around 1490, and used a background consisting of a circle and a square. The square has always represented the earth in many cultures all around the world. The same cultures have regarded the circle as being symbolic of the higher realms of heaven. During the Renaissance Period there are many art references regarding circles and squares, as if the idea was to join the forces of heaven with earth. The image drawn of the man proportionately shows how his movements allow him to exist in both worlds. Two scales are superimposed to create a similar balance. The scales of justice imply that God’s law extends to man’s physical world and measured to absolute certainty.
Jesus died on the cross, for our sins. It was the ultimate price to pay. We have been told that our victory is “prepaid”. This means that none of us should ever have to suffer in the same capacity to be eternally free. If there is an issue in our modern world, it is the concept of hoarding money senselessly. This practice is the root of all evil — the love of money. The image presented reflects a modern-day bank card. The crown of thorns represents the issuer, Jesus. We are all the cardholders or benefactors. The “chip” on the card and the 16-digit # contain specific details of deep religious significance. As Jesus clearly expressed to humanity, there is no expiration on his love for all of us.
In 2016 Donald J. Trump became president of the United States and shortly thereafter a new phenomenon rose from the ashes, known as the “Q” movement. Specific political intelligence details, regarding past events and future predictions, were being made available to the general population, via “Q Drops”. In recent years the number of followers has increased exponentially, as people began to find the messages being broadcast, seemed to be validated as “future proves past”. Ardent believers think this is an intelligently-designed transmission of political and military information to the general public, used to overthrow corruption in all forms. The image shown may depict multiple meanings, depending on the viewer.
This item of artwork stands out for me more than others, in that there was a sense of urgency to create it. I literally woke up one day, and knew that events were happening in the world, that were unprecedented. The majority of the people had no idea as to the battles that were being fought. Still, many did know that we were in a battle of good vs. evil. God and Satan were in a fight, and it raged. Men and women were brought to the battlefront, as well. It was physical and spiritual. I chose to use only two items of focus in the drawing. One was a physical being and the other was more conceptual or symbolic. Various shades of metallic gold were used. Simplicity was the key. For the awakened mind, one second is all it takes to decipher the meaning of the picture. There were no words or text used to describe the image. A picture should be worth a thousand words, and this one is prophetic of the future that is unfolding.
Matthew 18:6 states “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall away—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea”. For the awakened mind in this modern era, it is painfully obvious that many people are harming the innocent children of our world. This is evident with the daily arrests involving trafficking and worse. The drawing “Justice Millstones” is a virtual prediction that soon the day will come where mankind will not have enough millstones to service all of the malicious individuals that may require them. “Justice” is the fictitious manufacturer of these stone rings which would be used to fill the public demand for them. The business name eerily signifies that God’s balance is being cast upon the evil doers which are harming the innocent lives of the children.
In recent years, the Guantanamo Bay military facility in Cuba has been through extensive renovations. Guantanamo Bay, otherwise known as “GITMO”, is a high-security, detention facility. The current presidential administration is hellbent to “Drain the Swamp” and GITMO will play a huge part in this effort, and therefore must be upgraded to handle the expected traffic numbers. Thousands of sealed indictments have already led to the arrests of countless high-profile individuals. Criminals will be processed via military tribunals that are designed for fast convictions and immediate sentencing. Some are convinced that the tribunals are already in full swing and that so much more will happen in 2020, 2021, and beyond. The drawing makes use of barbed wire, a brick wall, and a pair of handcuffs, all designed to make a permanent impression on the mind.
The Pineal Gland is an interesting drawing, because it is known by many other names or conceptual ideas. Many believe this is the Third Eye. It is the area of the brain that creates an awareness of future events, otherwise known as a “Sixth Sense” or “Intuition”. The significance of the pineal gland has been the subject of investigation for centuries, with its first documentation tracing back to a Greek doctor and philosopher known as Galen. Galen’s colleagues believed the pineal regulated the flow of “psychic pneuma” or an ethereal substance referred to as “the first instrument of the soul”. Many people believe that there are controlling forces that wish to disrupt our abilities to fully engage the pineal gland with our creator, resulting in a “disconnect”.
Humanity has been on a quest for absolute truth, while at the same time, those that wish to control society are hellbent to cause disruption, via lies and deceit at every corner. The premise is like the analogy of the irresistible force meets the immovable object - something has to give. Now more than ever, there is a global awareness that the once-coveted news media is anything but a trusted source of authentic information. The more facts that humanity uncovers about our current state of affairs, the more obvious it is that the mainstream media is owned by just a few corporations, with a definite agenda. The term “Fake News” is now a household buzzword and many believe that if truths continue to be revealed, the current state of “programming” will soon be a thing of the past. Rest in peace mainstream media.
It is common knowledge to many in the financial sector, as well as intuitive investigators, that the FED is not a United States agency. It is a foreign-owned corporation that has been set up to do business on a shores. They control the money supply in circulation, and through the direct modification of interest rates, can dictate the direction of our entire economy. The current political establishment is determined to bring the power back to the people. In the process of doing so, it is very likely that any foreign interference will soon go by the wayside. Rest in Peace.
It has always been in the best interest of any country to issue their own currency, and in doing so, allow the population to thrive in a healthy marketplace. For the United States, as well as so many other countries, we have allowed this privilege to be granted to foreign, central banks. The central banks charge interest for the printing and lending of currency. This process has produced unimaginable debt, and the United States has been historically unable to pay the interest on the loans. The current administration has new ideas for the prosperity of this country, and it involves issuing our own precious metals-backed currency. As the drawing illustrates, many feel we are approaching midnight on the cosmic clock, with future prosperity only moments away.