Humanity has been well-conditioned for the eons of time to accept historical timelines, as written, and delivered through modern educational systems, as well as the mainstream media. Historically, the managing of belief systems has been controlled via the televisions and newspapers, as well as medical communities, which attempt to convince you, that as people age, there is a mental declination. Actually, people become more experienced and intelligent as time progresses, but they have been poisoned via genetically modified organisms (GMO), fluoride, chemtrails, 5G towers, and countless other destructive constructs. If you are an entity that wishes to eliminate any opposition to your objectives, then you will attempt to destroy the collective “knowing” acquired via human existence, as early in the life stages as possible. Simply minimizing the duration that a human lifespan can survive, will reduce the amount of time that anyone can formulate or postulate progressive solutions that face mankind.
In order for any human being, living in this modern era, to understand accurate historical records, the concepts of perceivable time need to be understood. A basic understanding, is that anything that can be validated needs to be eye-witnessed by a living person, so that the details may be recorded first-hand. For example, imagine the sinking of the massive sea vessel known as the “Titanic”. If there is no one alive that can give an accurate truthful assessment of what actually happened, then anything could be presented via the fake news and historical records. They really could tell you ANYTHING.
This can be best described by the following generalization. There is a consensus among consumers that when they purchase a new smartphone or electronic device, that they are somehow holding “the apex” of human-generated technology. They think they are holding the culmination of world scientific achievement. The fact of the matter is that the products available for retail acquisition are 20-30 years behind what the government has made claim to. Again, if we return to the concept that humans only live for 100 years or less, then what is our basis of “proof”? Is there anyone alive that can personally validate anything that happened in recorded history that extends beyond 100 years?
If we only go back 100 years, then what do we have validation of? Anyone that had passage on the tragic ocean voyage of the Titanic, are long gone. Let’s see if we can simplify events to a somewhat understandable scale. It is generally understood that the Wright brothers constructed the first airplane that could manage air flight for a duration of over one minute. Fast forward to 1969, and the United States has “supposedly” landed a spacecraft on the moon. Therefore 66 years has passed and we have gone from traditional air flight to a moon landing. Projecting this on a linear dated timeline, we see that the level of human technology is increasing exponentially. Hundreds of years of sea-going vessels with sails and rudders have been replaced by propeller-driven aircraft and moon landings in just a few decades.
We are now in 2022. It has been 53 years since the proposed moon landing. Statistically speaking, we can graphically illustrate graph the rate that technology has accelerated over time. Understand first, that mankind sailed the seas in wooden vessels with sails. The basic design of the ships did not change for hundreds of years. Specific aspects of the craft were improved upon regarding masts and rudders and such, as trial and error created potential for improvements.
If we use the basic timeline that has been illustrated, we can look at the past half-century, and easily proclaim that we’ve been in a “no man’s land”. With each technological advancement, it seems there is very little progress. Ponder traditional passenger aircraft at the average airport, which would be available for common transportation. The aircraft is virtually unchanged in the past half-century. I will state that “trinkets” have been given in the form of electronic devices This is by design. Immerse yourself as you will, in devices that do nothing to motivate your soul. “Connectivity” will never bring you closer to God, which exists in higher dimensions.
When operating in the lower 3D dimensions, the generally understood purpose of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), is to provide creators of new ideas and inventions, legal protection for what is deemed as “intellectual property”. Originally the timeline was 17 years, but it is now 20 years. Therefore, if you have created something novel and inventive, the government is giving you 20 years to provide personal benefit to yourself via licensing objectives of self-manufacturing. When this time lapses, your creative pursuits are not protected and part of the public domain.
Considering the previously-mentioned, concepts, please ask yourself why we are not flying around in personal aircraft, as the 1960’s cartoon “The Jetsons” which comical depicted our future society to be experiencing. Simple stated, we have been massively stifled. Technology is there, but it is not extending to humanity. It is being stolen from the minds of creative individuals, and given to the elitists.