Quantum Entanglement and the Awakening

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Throughout history, countless cultures have stated that “Everything in the universe is connected”.  We are not alone and separate, from everyone and everything.  It is an illusion that the physical body exists within a silo, and that each of us have no real impact on the world around us.  In a simply analogy, most can relate to the fact that if one person does harm to another, eventually harm will come upon them.  This is the basis of any discussion regarding karma.  Somewhere at a higher level, God must be in control of weights, measures, and balances.

In the past century, particle physicists have come to a new understanding, that even at the most elementary quantum level, there is absolute order in behavior, and all things are connected.  Scientists have created a term called “Quantum Entanglement” to define the interconnectedness of small particles.  To begin to understand how entanglement works, we have to imagine two small particles of matter that were at some point in time, sharing the same rudimentary space, such as electrons or protons, orbiting the nucleus of an atom. Scientists have been able to separate one or more of the particles from the nucleus and transport it to the other side of the earth, thousands of miles away.  If one of the original particles is rotated or turned, at the exact instant, halfway around the world, the other particle spins in exactly the same manner.  As a matter of fact, it would not matter if the particles were millions of miles away, as the same behavior would exist throughout the universe.

We are living in a time, when humanity is in dire need of a mass, collective awakening. Over the centuries, evil people have existed, and they have done very bad things to innocent people.  These evil people have fed their own greed, by enslaving others at a profit.  There have been endless wars and bloodshed.  Starvation in poor areas of the world, have been rampant.  Humanity has had their guard down, and they have assumed that it is normal to have imbalance, in terms of wealth and prosperity.  This was never God’s plan for us, and the earth was designed to support abundance for all life.  All of God’s children should have nourishing food, fresh clean drinking water, and shelter from the elements.  Humanity was meant to care for, and love each other.  God’s perfection is reflected in balance, and the world has been out of balance.  When imbalance exists within human business dynamics, the scales must be balanced again.  When everyone knows the truth, then nothing evil can hide, as all is exposed.

We are all entangled, and we are all here at this time to witness something amazing.  In the very near future, humanity will undergo the most magnificent awakening in recorded history.  The truths that will be revealed, are a necessity, regardless of how horrific they appear.  We are headed for a beautiful, golden age, and nothing can stop what is coming.  When God’s judgement is near, our awakening will appear instantaneous, as if everyone on earth collectively woke up at the same instant.  For this to happen, it will take a divine, cosmic trigger, under the supreme authority of God.