It has been said that the single greatest enemy to the American people, in the modern era, is the Mainstream Media (MSM). Thomas Jefferson once said “The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” This bold statement infers that history is littered with publications that intentionally create narratives and belief systems that are designed to control the thoughts of the general population. The MSM has become so engrained in American culture, that most cannot get past more than a few hours without checking their television or smartphone to see what is happening in the world. Truly, those that own and control the major broadcast stations and news outlets, have direct control over the mindset of humanity.
For the world’s most elite powerbrokers, they have understood this for eons, and they have deliberatively bought these media channels, so that they may control the directive. The elite objective has always been total control over the masses. They desire to keep everyone oblivious to their identities and their agendas. The current United States political system is striking at the roots of central bankers, human traffickers, corrupt political factions, and more. A grand awakening is happening and the controllers are no longer in their safe haven. In an attempt to stop their own demise, the cabal are pulling out all the stops.
The MSM is a direct tool used to stir up false information and generate fear in a population. Today we are seeing false flag operations that depict random gunowners as out-of-control murders, to a random innocent target group, often school children. Also, widely reported global incidents of pandemic viruses that are capable of killing millions of people, are featured by the MSM. The MSM uses their political leverage to create complete lies, designed to destroy the image of a political candidate that does not meet the agenda of the elitists. Donald J. Trump has on many instances labeled the MSN as the “Fake News”. It may be humanities finest hour when they disconnect the fake news MSM and return the voice to the people.