We all have “belief systems”. They started when we were very young and we listened to the opinions of people that were very important to us. They were our parents, our teachers, and even our friends. A father would come home from work and say "Those Republicans are insane. Everyone knows the Democrats are for the unions. The blue-collar workers and the unions built this country". A mother might say "We had a knock on the door today. A man was wanting to come inside and discuss why I should convert to his religion. Doesn't he know we are Catholic”? Belief systems start at a very young age, on the very impressionable. By the time we are young men and women, we have been exposed to so many ideologies that they seem to make us who we are. As a matter of fact, we cannot identify with anything else that is beyond our "programming". Any attempt to discount what we believe to be the truth is an attack on our personal being. If this planet is going to survive some of the truths that are quickly rising to the surface, it will need a society of men and woman that have a new-found characteristic. When we are shown a new piece of information - something that we have never been exposed to before - but it resonates in our heart as valid, then we can accept it as truth. Exhibiting this characteristic means that many will have the ability to cast off decades of "belief" like a snake shedding its skin. Those that can do this will be the ones that will change the world. Because the only way to transform this world into one of love and peace, is to discount everything we ever knew before. Change is on the horizon.