All the world is a stage and we are merely players. An analogy can be made between the way a traditional football game is played and the way political upheaval is orchestrated in our world. It seems that in both instances, there are two teams, and they both have a goal. Examining the social and economic world we see unfolding around us, is very similar to watching a football game. The football game that we are viewing features two opposing sides, but all of the players are wearing the same color uniform. Imagine playing in a game such as this, when you do not know who the opposition is. They look like you. They dress like you. One of the teams represents humanity. The other team represents to oppressors of humanity. In our game, humanity is on defense and the oppressors are on offense. You and I are on humanitys team and one thing that we really know is that the evil cabal have had the ball for almost the entire game. It has been a very long event. The dynamics of any football game are such that the team with the ball, is at a distinct advantage. They are trying to move the ball to force their agenda. They huddle. They formulate a plan. They know what is coming and the defense does not have a clue. The defense is forced to REACT to everything that unfolds before them. The problem is that by the time the defense figures out who to tackle, the dust has already settled and the play is over. When the offense has the ball for too long, the defense becomes extremely tired. Like all things in life, everything eventually balances out. The offense has become complacent. They become reckless. They begin to think that the game is too easy. They do not want to get dirty anymore. No sense in spilling a drop of blood. On the defensive side of the ball, something amazing has been happening. Their physical bodies are almost spent, but they have been using their minds to unravel the puzzle. They realize that when the ball appears to go left, it is really going right. They get really good at looking at history for behavioral clues. They get extremely proficient at reading lips and watching eyes move. At first only a few of them figured out the signals, but now they are informing the rest of the players how to decode the formation. The game clock is at the two-minute warning. The cosmic clock is one minute to midnight. When everyone least expected it, the offense took their eyes off the ball. They fumbled it away and now they no longer have it. The defense took it away. Now you and I have the ball and we are on their side of the field. What was the offense is now defense and vice-versa. They are not used to chasing the ball. Expending energy. They are frantically rushing on every play. Grasping for shoestring tackles. What they once coveted is not so easy to get back. They do not have any timeouts left. They are frantically waving and signaling to their coach, but he isn't answering any more. You see, this is the way the game of life works. When you believe in yourself, God always delivers in the clutch for the righteous. Satan will be your coach as long as things are going his way. Based on the way things are about to go down, I'm thinking he is already looking for another team.