Everyone reaches a point in their life, where they can look back to a particular event, and draw a line in the sand. This is the moment where they were able to define two separate and distinct versions of their life. There was the time prior to the event, where they were one person, and there was the time after the event, where they became someone completely different, and nothing was ever the same. Sometimes the “event” is something extremely wonderful, such as meeting the person they were destined to share their lives with. As good as life may have been prior to that encounter, the person looks back and wondered how they ever managed to be happy or even survive. Sometimes the “event” is something traumatic such as the death of a loved one. Once this line is drawn in the sand, many feel hopelessly lost and never recover, because something that literally defined them, and was a part of them, is gone forever. The common denominator for many of these instances is that we never see them coming. We are completely blindsided by an event, yet it leaves an indelible mark on our existence that can never be forgotten.
Sometimes we have advance notice of a life altering event. In many cases, we have the ability to delay or postpone the situation. The presentation of the incoming information is often a slow trickle. There is a realization or an awakening, that requires us to take action. Imagine having a set of personal beliefs or social alliances, that always stood like a mighty statue, impervious to attack or decay. Day by day, new information is presented that does not support our position regarding the construct. The natural tendency would be to attack the opposing forces and defeat them without providing due process. Often, after repeated surfacing of the new ideology, we are led to do personal investigation and research for ourselves. This can be a most troubling journey, because many times the newly-discovered facts present themselves with such solidity, that they are irrefutable. This may not be a desirable situation, because it means that one of our belief systems has been completely dismantled. Everything that we believed in, has been proven to be false. It may be difficult to understand our own personal identity, and what we stand for, because much of it was based on lies or mischaracterizations.
Soon there will be a collective, mass realization, which has been predicted by a few, and is unknown by more. Millions of people on this planet have been gravely mistaken about one or more items of unimaginable importance. Some have been aware of the incoming deluge, and they have tried to bring others into the light. Others are uncovering the facts currently, and while some are in the acceptance phase, there are still many that fight with everything they have, to hold on to the old paradigm. As unhealthy as this scenario is, it is an infinitely better situation than what the remainder of the population will experience. For the final group, they have no idea what is coming, nor are they prepared to deal with the truth. They have been asleep continuously, and nothing has been able to jar them from that hopeless condition. There is a line in the sand being drawn right now. It is unlike anything in recorded history. When we collectively cross the line, everyone on earth will look back at the “before”, and wonder how we ever slept through it, oblivious to everything happening around us.